About Sol Yoga
– Living Yoga
Hatha Flow Yoga mit Silvia
Yoga Kurse in Baden bei Wien & Alland!
Livestream Yoga Classes – instructor-led interactive classes in your home!
“Yoga” is Sanskrit for “union”. The union is between us and the Universal Life Force, the Life Current, our Source, our Creator, God…whatever you may call it.
“Sol” is Spanish for Sun and is the second part of our beautiful Dance Venture “Salsa y Sol”. I was driving along one very rainy morning and suddenly realised that I felt very, very happy and contented in spite of the weather – just because I feel so deeply connected with my Inner Sun! And that’s how “Sol Yoga” was created! And although I am teaching our Yoga Classes, Max is being a wonderful support to me on my Yoga Journey and therefore feels very much part of it!
Our Practise of Yoga enables us to reconnect with our Inner Sun, with that deeper part of us, with our Heart, our Soul, where we feel the union with our Source, where we intuitively know who we are and where we originate from and where we ultimately return to.
Through our Yoga Practise we experience the art of “Effortless Being”. As described by Pantanjali, the Father of Modern Yoga and a Contemporary of Buddha about 500 BC. Yoga is a practise, a way of being that dates back to as far as 3000 BC and Patanjali took it upon himself to wander from Ashram to Ashram to bring together all the different Yoga Practises and record the Essence of them for all future generations.
Yoga has been part of my life since I was 16! I originally practised Hatha Yoga, yet there was always that deeper part of me that was looking for a much deeper and more spiritual experience. Over the years this intense desire to deepen my knowledge of Yoga became stronger than ever and I decided that the most wonderful way of doing this, would be to train as a Yoga Teacher. So I started to look for a truly special and spiritual place, where I would be able to do that. I found this wonderful and truly unique place to do my Yoga Teacher Training with Steve Harrison at the Yoga Sanctuary in Southampton and started my Yoga Teacher Training there in Oct 2011. It became very apparent that I really do want to share my love for Yoga with you all and so we started our very first Sol Yoga Classes at the River Park Leisure Centre in Winchester in Sep 2012! Yoga is a continuous journey and so my very own Yoga Journey took me on my Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course at the wonderful Yoga Sanctuary in Autumn 2012. In Spring 2014 Max and I completed our Kriya Yoga Course at the Yoga Sanctuary. In Jan 2015 my amazing journey with Yoga took me on my Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course and reached its conclusion in Jun 2016. Autumn 2016 brought the next level of my Journey with my Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course, which I successfully completed in May 2018.
Over the last couple of years I felt very drawn towards Self Healing and the Power of Yoga in the Self Healing Process and subsequently towards Ayurveda – The oldest known Medical Science. Ayurveda (Ayur – Life, Veda -Knowledge) takes a total holistic approach to life and wellbeing and I felt inspired to attend an Ayurveda Workshop in Austria in August 2019 with Michaela Genitheim, an Ayurvedic Practitionner that trained with Dr. Vasant Lad, one of the most respected Practionners & Professors of Ayurvedic Medicine. Ayurveda feels very much part of Yoga and visa versa and is wonderfully life enhancing!
My own Sadhana (Daily Practice) and Journey with Yoga are keeping me continuously inspired and I enjoy every minute of my beautiful Journey with Yoga and love sharing it with you!
Our Sol Yoga started off as “Intuitive Flow Yoga” and over the years has evolved into a more guided form of “Hatha Flow Yoga”. You get to know all the different Asanas (postures) in form of Kriyas (Flows), where you are guided into flowing through them in your very own way and so experiencing for yourself what if feels like to you and how each Kriya creates a different kind of energy for you. It may feel to you like a “Moving Meditation” – like “A Dance from your Heart”!
We get to know 13 Asana Kriyas. Each Kriya has its very own energy quality and its very own way of waking up this energy in us. The names given to all the Asanas are closely related to Nature, like Swan, Cobra, Dog, Cat and so on, which shows us how in tune with Nature and our Natural Way of Being Yoga is. It signifies that whatever form we take, there is one Energy flowing through us all.
Our Sol Yoga Living Yoga is incredibly natural and therefore suitable for absolutely everyone! We are calling our classes Living Yoga Classes as we are taking our Yoga from the mat out into life to truly live our Yoga and enhance our life in the process!
You are tuning into your own body, reconnecting with it and listening to its guidance for you – so it could not be more natural! And it is through our journey with our Body that we are reconnecting with that deeper part of us, our Inner Sun! And it feels so good!
Find out for yourself how good Yoga feels and join us now!
Looking forward to guiding you on your own Journey with Yoga!
Dienstags Sol Yoga in Baden
Kolpinghaus, Valeriestrasse 10, 2500 Baden
18:00 – 19:00 MEZ Living Yoga mit Silvia
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Friday Morning Yoga
Live streamed to your home!
9:00 – 10:00 UTC+1 Living Yoga with Silvia
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Private Sol Yoga Stunden
Sol Yoga Studio, Tulpengasse 624, 2534 Alland
Deine individuelle Reise mit Yoga
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Yoga für Kinder & Jugendliche
in Baden & Alland
Private Yoga Klassen, Yoga als Therapie, Yoga Klassen & Workshops für Kindergärten und Schulen
Go to our Dance & Yoga for Children page for more details
Your Journey with Yoga starts NOW!
Living Yoga – Short Flow by Steve at The Yoga Sanctuary
Our Sol Yoga classes are called Living Yoga classes as we are taking this ancient science of inner wellbeing off the Yoga mat and out into our daily life. Yoga is a Journey of Transformation!
Looking forward to welcoming you on the Yoga mat for your very own Journey with Yoga!
The various aspects of Sol Yoga
Sol Yoga
“Yoga” is Sanskrit for “union”.
“Sol” is Spanish for Sun. I was driving along one very rainy morning and suddenly realised that I felt very, very happy and contented in spite of the weather – just because I feel so deeply connected with my Inner Sun! And that’s how “Sol Yoga” was created!
Hatha Flow Yoga
You get to know all the different Asanas (postures) in form of Kriyas (Flows), where you are guided into flowing through them in your very own way and so experience for yourself what if feels like to you and how each Kriya creates a different kind of energy for you. It may feel to you like a “Moving Meditation” – like “A Dance from your Heart”!
Living Yoga
Yoga is an ancient Science of Inner Wellbeing. It has been given to us as a method to be able to stay centred in the middle of the tumult of life and grow and evolve.
So we take our Yoga off the Yoga mat and out into our daily life!
Valeriestrasse 10
2500 Baden
Tulpengasse 624
2534 Alland