+43 676 720 78 10 | +44 7713 961 922 salsaysol@salsaysol.life
Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra – From Darkness to Light

Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra – From Darkness to Light

Posted by Silvia: Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra- From Darkness to Light Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra Om asatoma sadgamayaTamasoma jyotirgamayaMrityorma amritamgamayaTake us from the Unreal to the RealFrom the Darkness to the LightAnd from the Illusion of Death to Eternal...
Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

Posted by Silvia: The Gayatri Mantra- Om Bhur Bhuva Shvaha Gayatri Mantra Om Bhur Bhuva ShvahaTat Savitur vareenyamBhargo Devasya DhimahiDiyo yo na prachodyat OmThrough all ExistenceOne Radiant Intelligence illuminates all thingsMay all beings through subtle...
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Posted by Silvia: The Happiness Mantra – Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino BhavantuMay all Beings find their Happiness within themselves!Mögen alle Menschen ihre Glückseeligkeit in sich selbst finden!...
Feeling Good!

Feeling Good!

Posted by Silvia: Feeling Good! It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new Life for me! ...in den Worten von Michael Buble in seinem wunderbaren Song mit dem gleichen Titel! Das Leben ist wahrlich eine Herausforderung im Moment. Ist es uns da...
Feeling Good!

Feeling Good!

Posted by Silvia: Feeling Good! It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new Life for me! Life is rather challenging at the moment for all of us. Nothing is like it used to be and never will be. Change is the only constant in life. Yet most of us find...
Forest Bathing – ein belebendes Waldbad!

Forest Bathing – ein belebendes Waldbad!

Posted by Silvia: Forest Bathing – ein belebendes Waldbad! Einfach erstaunlich, was für Wunder ein einfacher Spaziergang im Wald wirken kann! Carpe Diem hab ich mir gedacht! Es ist so ein schöner Herbsttag heute! Die Sonne scheint und die Herbstfarben strahlen...
Forest Bathing – ein belebendes Waldbad!

Fabulous bit of Forest Bathing!

Posted by Silvia: Fabulous bit of Forest Bathing! Ever tried Forest Bathing? - what a simple walk in the woods can do for us! Carpe Diem I thought! It’s such a beautiful Autumn day today! The sun is shining and the Autumn colours are radiating at the moment. So...
Wunderschönen Herbstbeginn!

Wunderschönen Herbstbeginn!

Posted by Silvia: Wunderschöne Herbstsonnenwende! Die Sonnenwende - der Zeitpunkt zu dem Tag und Nacht gleich sind, ein Symbol für Harmonie und Balance! Ja, wahrlich einen wunderschönen Herbstbeginn! Die herbstliche Sonnenwende – der Zeitpunkt, wenn Tag und...
Wunderschönen Herbstbeginn!

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Posted by Silvia: Happy Autumn Equinox! Equinox - a time of equal night & day, a symbol for harmony & balance! . Yes, Happy Autumn Equinox! Equinox – equal night & day, a symbol for harmony and balance and the perfect time to go out into Nature, ground...
Der Wechsel – sieh die Sonnenseite!

Der Wechsel – sieh die Sonnenseite!

Posted by Silvia: Der Wechsel – sieh die Sonnenseite! Der Wechsel ist im Moment ein heisses Thema! Immer mehr Frauen fassen den Mut so ganz ehrlich ihre Erfahrungen auszutauschen, jedoch viel zu viele leiden immer noch! Der Wechsel, die Zeit im Leben einer Frau,...
Der Wechsel – sieh die Sonnenseite!

Menopause – look on the bright side!

Posted by Silvia: Menopause – look on the bright side! Menopause is a big topic at the moment! More and more women are finding the courage to speak openly about their experience, yet far too many are still suffering! Menopause, the time in a woman’s life...
Yoga – das perfekte Antidepressiva für “Teenager Angst”!

Yoga – the perfect Anti-Depressant for Teenage Angst!

Posted by Silvia: Yoga – the perfect Anti-Depressant for Teenage Angst! The last 18 months have seen a huge number of youngsters being medicated for low moods! As a mother of three youngsters, who are by now all in their 20s, I have had my fair share of dealing...
Unsere brandneue Webseite Salsaysol.life!

Unsere brandneue Webseite Salsaysol.life!

Posted by Silvia: Unsere haarneue Webseite Salsaysol.life! Salsa y Sol Dance & Yoga geht weltweit mit unserer haarneuen Webseite Salsaysol.life! Hallo aus unserer kreativen Sommerpause! Max and ich sind wahrlich kreativ an der Arbeit! Die letzten 17 Monate unserer...
Unsere brandneue Webseite Salsaysol.life!

Our brand new website salsaysol.life!

Posted by Silvia: Our brand new website salsaysol.life! Salsa y Sol Dance & Yoga is going international with our brand new website salsaysol.life! Hello from our Creative Summer Break!  Max and I are using our time creatively indeed. The last 17 months of our live...
Discovering Cha Cha Dancing Fun!

Discovering Cha Cha Dancing Fun!

Posted by Silvia: Our Cha Cha Suelta Moves! One of the highlights of our live streamed Salsa Classes has been discovering our joy for Cha Cha Suelta & Boogaloo Dancing: 1 Lateral 2 Lateral cruzado 3 Curzado con punta tacon 4 Cruzo delante y detras 5 Suzie Q 6 Tumbao 7...
Happy Salsa Dancing with Salsa Suelta!

Happy Salsa Dancing with Salsa Suelta!

Posted by Silvia: Our Salsa Suelta Moves! Over the last year we have all acquired some amazing Salsa Suelta Dancing skills at our live streamed Salsa Classes to improve our dancing skills as individuals as well as in our partner dancing and here they are: 1 Lateral 2...