Posted by Silvia:
Yoga – a great Tonic for Life!
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As I am writing this we are in the midst of the turmoil of our looming general election in our country and who knows where we find ourselves as you are reading this.
This is life in all its glory! Challenges on a local scale, on a global scale and in our very own personal life.
Yes, it does seem particularly tumultuous at the moment and a lot of us are facing challenges on a personal level at the same time. When this happens, we feel we have to drop everything and just focus on the challenge at hand – putting all our energy into it. And we tend to drop the things we enjoy…somehow feeling indulgent if we continued. Yet, where does this energy supply come from? How come we feel so easily depleted of our energy?
This energy supply has to come from somewhere. There is limitless supply of energy around us – Life Energy. How are we able to tap into it and keep our own energy supply up?
Well, here is the great news: we have all the energy we need inside us already – it’s just that we allow life to deplete us and we cut off our energy supplies. So how are we able to wake up our energy inside us and replenish ourselves?
One of the most enjoyable ways we can do this is with Yoga! Yoga are a great Tonic for Life! Yoga stirs up our own energy and replenishes and nourishes us from the inside!
And it truly is “Feelgood Yoga” – wow! You’ve got to experience it for yourself of what Yoga does for you and you will never look back! Yoga is meant to be simple and it is meant to be for everyone. My role as a Yoga Teacher is to “empower you” to make Yoga part of your life and have an “Energising Tool for Life” – as simple as that!
Give yourself a “Fresh Kick Start” in 2020, embrace Life in all its fullness and make Yoga your great Tonic for Life!
Looking forward to welcoming you on the Yoga mat this New Year 2020!
Om Jyoti (Light)
Silvia ?
(first published on 10 Dec 2020)

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