by Silvia Gill | 03 Apr 2022 | General Interest
Posted by Silvia: Feeling Good! It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new Life for me! Life is rather challenging at the moment for all of us. Nothing is like it used to be and never will be. Change is the only constant in life. Yet most of us find...
by Silvia Gill | 18 Nov 2021 | Wellbeing
Posted by Silvia: Forest Bathing – ein belebendes Waldbad! Einfach erstaunlich, was für Wunder ein einfacher Spaziergang im Wald wirken kann! Carpe Diem hab ich mir gedacht! Es ist so ein schöner Herbsttag heute! Die Sonne scheint und die Herbstfarben strahlen...
by Silvia Gill | 17 Nov 2021 | Wellbeing
Posted by Silvia: Fabulous bit of Forest Bathing! Ever tried Forest Bathing? - what a simple walk in the woods can do for us! Carpe Diem I thought! It’s such a beautiful Autumn day today! The sun is shining and the Autumn colours are radiating at the moment. So...
by Silvia Gill | 22 Sep 2021 | Wellbeing, Yoga
Posted by Silvia: Wunderschöne Herbstsonnenwende! Die Sonnenwende - der Zeitpunkt zu dem Tag und Nacht gleich sind, ein Symbol für Harmonie und Balance! Ja, wahrlich einen wunderschönen Herbstbeginn! Die herbstliche Sonnenwende – der Zeitpunkt, wenn Tag und...
by Silvia Gill | 22 Sep 2021 | Wellbeing, Yoga
Posted by Silvia: Happy Autumn Equinox! Equinox - a time of equal night & day, a symbol for harmony & balance! . Yes, Happy Autumn Equinox! Equinox – equal night & day, a symbol for harmony and balance and the perfect time to go out into Nature, ground...